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The recession versus soft landing debate is heating

We think the debate is all about consumers and inflation. The key to whether the so-called landing is soft or hard will be the consumer, who collectively accounts for nearly 70% of all US economic activity. The distinction may still apply heading into 2024.

China's economy needs to strengthen internationalization

From the perspective of economic growth, the investment in the initial stage is the first driver for growth; the maturity stage is the stage of gradual stabilization. The world should strengthen the G20 and other multilateral mechanisms to build consensus among countries in order to effectively respond to the crises.

Explore China's international competitiveness

In view of the increasingly severe economic and financial crisis, in order to withstand the adverse effects of the international economic environment on China, China has adopted prudent macroeconomic policies to cope with the situation. So far China has shown some advantages in terms of global competitiveness

RMB Competitiveness Survey

With the continuous growing of China's economy, the RMB is attracting much more attention from the overseas investors. In terms of the future status of RMBi in the global financial market, the currency competitiveness is improving. The RMB's competitiveness surpassed the Korean won

European Economic Outlook Report

Hit by the pandemic, and also impacted by the global economy, the Eurozone debt crisis and other factors, it is expected that the overall economic growth rate of Europe will slow down significantly this year and next year. At the same time, there are significant downside risks. The European economy is sluggish and the growth rate of all countries

Made in China under global economic integration

The original development model of China's economy has been running out of steam, and the transformation of the development model is a most pressing issue. Industrial upgrading is the key to the sustainable growth of China's economy in the future

The focus of the balance between Japan and East Asia

With the gradual recovery of the Japanese economy and a relatively stable situation, many long-lasting problems that restrain the sustained growth of the economy have become the main challenges facing the Japanese government. Improving productivity to bolster economic growth has become the key point of Japan’s economic strategy

Global trade liberalization is far apart

With the rollback of globalization, trade liberalization in the world today has a tendency toward trade protectionism. Some developed countries adopt more conservative posture and tend to defend their own interests, ignoring of the interests of other countries. Protectionism prevails around the world, which has some negative impact on the global economy

The puzzle of global economy and politics

The international society is turbulent and unrest. The trade dispute between China and the U. S., the two largest economies in the world, have had a great impact on global politics, economy, technology and other fields, as well as international trade rules, which create more challenge to the international community

A split America as populism prevails

Populism implies nationalism, is a reference to the white priority, racial discrimination which has been worsening since President Trump took the office since 2016. Populism has a broader foundation and internal critical social conflicts in western society. Populism which prevails in Europe and the U.S. is the product of the mixture of various social thoughts

Can China lead global integration

The global share of APEC’s total economic volume and total foreign trade volume indicates that regional economic integration will boost Asia-Pacific and global growth actively. The trade volume between China and other APEC members reached US$2.5 trillion

Interpreting the economic and political outlook of China and the U. S

As two biggest economies around the world. China and the U. S. will lead the global economic and political trends for a long preiod of time. In the past 10 years, the global economic landscape has undergone new changes, turning from the traditional dominance of the U.S., Japan and Europe


Global stock market risk volatility tracking report
  • Study 49 developed and emerging markets, and pay close attention to
Listed company research report
  • The best way to understand the investment value of a company
New risk exposures in the crude oil market
  • The international crude oil market has fluctuated sharply recently
Global Equity Fund Report
  • Equity investment in private companies, ie non-listed companies
Securities and Fund Industry Survey
  • Raise capital through the sale of fund shares to form an independent fund
The economic crisis under the pandemic
  • The global public health crisis triggered by the pandemic has had a huge

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